
Role of Diet in Preventing Arthritis

Arthritis affects millions of people, causing pain, swelling, and trouble moving joints. While many treatments exist,   Role of Diet in Preventing Arthritis . What we eat can greatly impact our joint health. Understanding Role of Diet in Preventing Arthritis Types of Arthritis Arthritis is a term for over 100 types of joint pain and disease. The most common types are: Osteoarthritis : Wear and tear on joints. Rheumatoid Arthritis : An autoimmune disorder. Gout : Caused by uric acid crystals in the joints. Symptoms of Arthritis Symptoms include: Joint pain Stiffness Swelling Reduced movement These can vary in intensity and may come and go. Severe arthritis can make daily activities difficult. The Connection Between Diet and Arthritis How Diet Impacts Joint Health Diet is essential for overall health, including joint health. The nutrients we eat can affect inflammation in the body, which is a key factor in  arthritis . Inflammation and Diet Inflammation is the body’s response to injury o

Knee joint preservation – Why and How?

  What is Knee Joint Preservation? Knee joint preservation  is all about keeping the knee working well without needing a replacement. This involves different ways to care for the knee joint, helping doctors fix knee problems while keeping the knee’s natural parts. It is mainly used for people with damage to the knee’s cartilage. Cartilage injury can lead to arthritis and often causes knee pain. The severity of knee problems can be different for each person. Injuries or normal aging can damage the cartilage, causing pain, stiffness, and trouble moving. Since cartilage doesn’t heal on its own, doctors often need to repair it surgically. Fixing the cartilage can reduce pain, improve how the knee works, and sometimes prevent arthritis from developing. Knee joint preservation vs. replacement Knee Joint Preservation: Indications for Knee Joint Preservation – Damage to articular cartilage – Early stages of arthritis – Traumatic injuries with repairable cartilage – Pain, stiffness, or limited

Knee preservation surgery cost in Delhi and Noida

Hey everyone! Today, we’re talking about Knee Preservation Surgery. It’s all about keeping our knees healthy and happy. We know taking care of our knees is super important, but sometimes, the cost can be a big worry. Let’s explore   Knee preservation surgery cost   in Delhi and Noida! Overview of Knee Preserving Surgery Knee preserving surgery is a common procedure done to help with early osteoarthritis. It includes different types of surgeries around the knee joint. This surgery can delay or even avoid the need for total knee replacement. Dr. Vaibhav Jain is a knee preservation surgeon in Delhi and Noida. He says there are ways to avoid  knee replacement surgery , like high tibial osteotomies. Dr. Vaibhav Jain mentions alternatives to knee replacement in Delhi and Noida. Not everyone needs knee replacement. Many people with knee arthritis can be treated with medicines, physiotherapy, and injections, without surgery. Treatment for knee pain without surgery includes medicine, losing wei